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About Me

If it weren't for sharp things and dirt I would be barefoot all the time. I have this thing where I cannot turn down something that is free, regardless of if I have use for it. I sometimes tend to make bad decisions. I like to act fake mad to mess with people but if I'm actually mad, I just get quiet. I look like I'm in high school, but I'll appreciate it when I'm 40, so I'm told. I love God but sometimes I'm an idiot and I want approval from other people, not Him. Did I mention that I tend to make bad decisions? :) I either watch a TV show every week or not at all. I am a sucker for containers. I cannot throw away boxes. I eat my steak medium or medium rare.

Links to stuff I like and to some other blogs

My Project Playlist
Pastor Jason Pettus
To Write Love On Her Arms
The Office
Jon Russelburg

Make Money Online - Under Construction Tuesday, April 15, 2014 |

The internet has connected the world in ways never thought possible. It is possible to earn a location-independent income, which you can be used to supplement your travels or help you earn a little extra cash from home. There are a ton of great ways to do this, and I'll show you a few things I've used. Get Paid To Sites Swagbucks Swagbucks is a "Get Paid To..." site that allows you to earn cash and rewards by taking surveys, watching videos, using their search engine and more. There are a number of ways you can earn Swagbucks, which can then be exchanged for Paypal and other gifts, rather passively. Swagbucks Tip: Install the SBTV app and the EntertaiNOW app on your smartphone and tablet. Leave those apps running, showing vides, movie trailers, etc to earn Swagbucks by doing absolutely nothing! CashCrate SliceThePie Elance mTurk UserSupport Textbroker FreeMyApps

Business Funding Financing |

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Link post Monday, May 30, 2011 |

For my own use as much as anyone else's, a few travel links I've been pouring over:



Purchased. Sunday, May 29, 2011 |

regrets |

Nights like tonight are ones I wish I had done things differently. I wish I had been smart with my money in college. I wish I had either not wasted my time in a relationship that's gone or that I'd done enough to make it work. I wish I had actually tried in school and kept my grades up.

I don't really have much to complain about. Its weird because I like my job. I work for a company now that gives me more opportunity for upward mobility than any I've ever worked for. Its one of the largest companies in the world. I can go so many places with it, but for some reason what I really want now is to not be tied down at all. How silly is it for me to see that I'm almost 26 and feel like I've let the best part of my life pass me up? I'm so selfish, especially when there are people I know who would give anything to have some of the things I have or to have been spared from some of the terrors they've had.

I keep bringing up my wishes for travelling to people, and I know no one thinks I'm serious. I don't really bring it up in a way that makes it sound like I've made solid plans, but I'm really only a few days into this whole thing. Its kind of cool knowing that no one really looks at this, but that if I were to travel, people would be able to see it. Someone can look back at this post in May and see how it started to come together.



baby steps Wednesday, May 25, 2011 |

The more I think about it, the more I want to take steps to make some sort of travel adventure take place. Whether that's just doing one location and finding somewhere to work for a few months or its trying to actually go place to place and make it around the world. As I type this, I'm reading a blog post about how to pack light and what essentials one should have when traveling the world.

I'm reading a lot and now its almost 4am.

Hmm Tuesday, May 24, 2011 |

I've long since abandoned this blog, 3+ years now since my last post, but I find it interesting to look back, and thus I won't be deleting it. I still sort of wish I had my old Xanga and other short lived blogging ventures intact, so I could see what was going through my mind back then.

Not much has changed. I'm still searching for something. Even now as I find myself in the most stable situation professionally that I've ever been in, I find myself wanting to run away, wanting to do something crazy, wanting to break free from the bs and the financial things that lock me into this lifestyle.

Who knows, maybe this feeling will take hold for once. I've gotten excited as of late about working to pay down my debts. The idea of not owing anyone anything is pretty cool. Actually, it seems so foreign that its scary.

I mean really, why do I get up and go to work 5 out of 7 days of the week and do the song and dance? Well, I went to college so I could get a good job, right? Well now I really only find myself working to pay for the education I just got. I wish I had thought about all this sooner. I'm going to turn 26 in August. I feel trapped by my 30s. If I'm aggressive, I can pay all but my federal loans off by June 2012. That's another year of my life.

Today, I've been borderline obsessed with researching all kinds of world travel. How to move around the world with no money, etc. This on the heels of trying to plan to completely pay down my debts.

Who knows, maybe I will resurrect this blog. 365 days abroad - Jan 1, 2013, start my trip, flying out somewhere, not knowing where i'll go next. Leave with $5k to my name and hope that's enough?

Or I could give up on it again.

omg Wednesday, April 23, 2008 |

i leave for orlando on saturday.

not so great airport experience Thursday, April 10, 2008 |

I'm going to quickly run down the last 24-48 hours of my day for you guys.

2:00 PM - Get picked up from La Quinta Inn of Orem, UT from Jared Huish, my manager for this summer with APX.

3:08 PM - Arrive at Salt Lake City International Airport for what I think is my 3:55 PM flight directly to Nashville.

3:11 PM - I try to check in and get my boarding pass and am informed that my plane is actually leaving in 4 minutes at 3:15 PM

3:12 PM - I leave my one checked bag with the Southwest lady and make my way to Gate B16.

3:17 PM - Arrive at Gate B16 2 minutes after my flight leaves. I was given a spot on a plane leaving at 3:55 PM (go figure) that will eventually end up in Nashville but will be making a few stops first.

3:55 PM - I board my plane and all is (seemingly) well.

5:00 PM - We touch down in Phoenix, AZ. No big deal.

5:30 PM - 30 mins later, we leave for Kansas City (seriously? how many stops are we making?)

At this time, in the far off land of Dallas, a plane leaves for Kansas City, only to be delayed from landing in KC by weather.

8:45 PM (changed time zones now, +1 hour) - Arrive in Kansas City, waiting to take off for Nashville.

9:15 PM - 30 mins later, we're informed that a Dallas flight has been delayed. There are passengers on that plane that connect onto ours heading to Nashville. Thus, we must wait an additional hour before we can leave.

10:20 PM - Finally, we take off for Nashville. Light is at the end of the tunnel.

11:50 PM - We arrive in Nashville. Now to find my bag.

11:55 PM - No luck yet on the bag.

12:20 PM - Still no bag. The baggage claim people say that a flight is coming in at 12:40 PM that may have it since it originated in SLC.

12:45 PM - They don't have it.

1:05 AM - I'm stuck in the airport with no car keys since they are checked in my one checked bag. I filled out a 'missing baggage' report and they say they'll call me in the morning when the bag turns up.

1:15 AM - I pester the last remaining Avis rental car guy, thinking that I will drive home and then return to Nashville the next day.

1:30 AM - Cheap Scott realizes that paying gas to travel back to Bowling Green, only to return again in the morning isn't the best thing.

2:00 AM - I arrive in the parking lot of the methodist church down the road from Exit/In. Home is where you lay your head right?

Approx. 4:00 AM - My cell phone battery runs out. Where is my car charger at? You guessed it. The bag.

10:00 AM - Who would have thought...I was able to sleep a full 8 hours even in the back seat of a car. You know you're impressed.

10:45 AM - After driving through most of Nashville, I finally find an AT&T store that carries my phone charger. Big shock, 2 voice mails, both from Southwest. Good news, though, they DID find my bag.

11:15 AM - Return the rental car, retrieve my bag and pay for my parking (gross).

With that, my trip was finally coming to a close. A word of advice to anyone who happens upon this: Never EVER EVER EVER put your car keys (or anything else vital) in a bag that you're checking on a transcontinental flight.


This made my day. Friday, March 7, 2008 |

Also, Ben's man on the boat is Michael. They've made that completely obvious.

I probably couldn't have chosen a worse picture if I was trying to avoid any kind of stereotype, but oh well. Hopefully, we'll get a good flashback out of this (seeing as how we haven't seen Michael in like 2 seasons). If you watch LOST but aren't caught up yet, please, hurry. I need people to discuss this with outside of the staff at Spencer's Coffee House, where I seem to occupy a lot of my time lately.

dum dum dum dum! Top 5 movies of 2007 Wednesday, March 5, 2008 |

First off, I'd like to apologize for that vomit of a post that precedes this one.

Now, mainly for the benefit of Jacob Shoaf, I present my top 5 films of 2007. I may eventually update this into a top 10 but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

1. No Country For Old Men (Joel and Ethan Coen)

From start to finish, this one just plain does it for me. One of my most anticipated of the year, it was no real surprise to see it bring home the Oscar for Best Picture. Great performances from Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin, but I think most will agree that the Spaniard with the creepiest hair cut ever, Javier Bardem, stole the show as Anton Chigurh. I've said before and will stick by my prediction that Chigurh is one of those characters that people will still be talking about in 50 years. His presence in the film is haunting and I think I will probably remember the coin flip scene in the convenience store for a long time to come.

2. Michael Clayton (Tony Gilroy)

I thought, going into it, that this film would be good. I was surprised by how good it really was. For a legal thriller, it had lots of character. I thought this was a great performance by George Clooney in the title role. Any other year, I think he'd have been a major contender for the Oscar. It is great to see him progress from the company clean up man to the state you find him in when his life is in danger. Without ruining anything, one of the best endings I've seen in a while.

3. There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson)

The movie itself was quite good. Daniel Day-Lewis was magnificent. His performance was so commanding and so good, I think the movie as a whole may not get as much of the credit. PTA paints the life and exploits of Plainview so well, portraying his downward spiraling life and relationships. After seeing TWBB, I knew that Day-Lewis was a lock for the Oscar. No upset this year.

4. Eastern Promises (David Cronenberg)

As good of a mafia/organized crime drama as any in the last decade. I love Naomi Watts anyway. Add her in with a great performance from Viggo Mortensen (can you say: naked fight scene?) and that's a pretty good film for me. I'm not sure if I liked Eastern Promises more than A History of Violence, but I wouldn't mind seeing Cronenberg and Mortensen team up again.

5. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Tim Burton)

Sweeney Todd is one of the best stage to film adaptations yet. Rather than creating a movie that looked and felt like it truly just belonged on the stage (ie: The Producers and Rent), Burton's completely transformed the stage version into a real, dismal, engrossing feature. In my opinion, it is easily his best work yet. Depp delivers a great performance and is surprisingly good with his vocal performances. Burton plays with colors (or lack thereof) so wonderfully both in the ridiculous blood that makes it hard to really be grossed out and in the bright and sunny contrast during the 'By The Sea' number. Very good :)

Okay. So that's my top 5. My apologies for a very amateur feel to the little blurbs, I'm far from a movie critic or reviewer, so these are just some observations from a normal guy who got to see a few pretty good films this year.

A few secondary awards:

Honorable Mention: The Darjeeling Limited, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Juno, Superbad, Bourne Ultimatum

Breakthrough Performance of the Year: Casey Affleck, Assassination of Jesse James

Best Soundtrack: Once

Best fight scene: Eastern Promises

Long time, no post - LOST & Ron Paul, John McCain, Barack Obama |

Alright so as of late, I've been surprisingly into two things: LOST and politics :P

Well, LOST is a show I've been moderately obsessed with ever since I first got into it. The fourth season was in jeopardy because of the writer's strike. However, this strike has since ended. That means that they're cooking up a few more episodes to keep this season rolling along. Let me just say that the first five episodes have completely blown my mind.

Let's start off with the season premiere:


We lost our boy Charlie at the end of season 3. Boo hoo, so sad. It was time for him to go, but at least they did it in a way that made you appreciate his character again. He didn't die in vain, but instead died to give the survivors free airwave access and also telling Desmond that the freighter was not from Penelope's people (oh, we shall touch on this one later). The moment when Hurley had to tell Claire that Charlie was dead was well done and was a moment we all knew was coming, ever since his death the previous season.

Welcome to LOST, flash forwards. In the next few episodes, we see a multitude of flash forward events, revealing the existence of the 'Oceanic Six' that we know at first includes Jack, Kate and Hurley. What is the deal with the Oceanic Six? Beats me. They do make it clear, though, that there is a secret they're all keeping and they allude to there being others who are on the island still.

Back on the island, we see the further split of the survivors as one group follows Jack and another splits off to the old Others' compound with John Locke. Locke's communion with the island seems to be tested and we see some great conflict between he and Ben. I must say, Ben is absolutely my favorite character in this show. You hate him 90% of the time, but he is by far the most complex guy and he is so completely captivating, it is amazing.

And I must say, the first major blowing of my mind occurred when I it is revealed that Sayid's work as an assassin in his flash forward is all at the command of none other than Ben. How did they get off the island? Who are they going after? I think it may be the operatives of the character Michael Abbadon, who is revealed in Hurley's flash forward.

I don't want to dwell on LOST forever. Real quick, though, why is Aaron in Kate's care? What happened to Claire (Oh, please tell me you're okay, my Aussie love)? Why would Jack be uneasy about seeing the baby, since it is obviously not Sawyer's kid? Does he know that Claire is his half-sister? Surely not.

Desmond's episode, The Constant, was probably one of my favorite episodes of the series. The final segment where he was able to communicate briefly with Penny was fantasticly done. So emotional. A little thing to notice, though, in that episode, is that her father is bidding on the diary of a crew member of the Black Rock. You'll remember, this is the slave ship that the survivors and Danielle use to procure the dynamite. He's buying it from the Hanso family, which you will recognize if you really delve deep into the LOST mythology. Good times.


Yikes. Well, some of you may know that I've been roughly supporting Ron Paul in his unsuccessful bid to become the Republican nominee. I've begun to embrace the Libertarian ideals that he is associated with and am fairly sad to see Dr. Paul is no longer a factor in the race.

The big thing is, what role should the government play in our lives? I don't think the government should be our parent. I don't think it should tell us what we can or cannot do. These are the ideals that the Republican party once stood firmly on. Small federal government, preference on State's rights, low taxes, low government spending, limited involvement in foreign affairs, personal freedoms for citizens.

I think the idea of conservatism has been corrupted over the recent years however. Now, we want the government to stay out of our business when it comes to gun ownership, but not when it comes to religious freedom? I know some people that would love to see Christianity become the national religion officially or to see things amended into the Constitution to that end. Sure, it sounds like this is a good thing and is for the benefit of Christians, but think about it. As Christians, we enjoy the same religious freedoms that other people do. It works both ways. If Christianity was to become more official in our government, whose Christianity would it be? Would it be that of the Mormons, who claim to be but a sect of Christianity, but have vastly different views from, say, a Baptist. Would it be that of the Methodists or the Presbyterians? Catholicism is the largest 'denomination' in the US, does that mean it would be the one preached to our public schools? I think you can see where I'm going here. The right to choose how and where and when and what you worship isn't just something that's put in there for the Muslims and the Hindus. We enjoy it every day as Christians as well.

To that end, I personally don't think that support for institutionalizing Christianity in any way is a good idea. That doesn't make me a bad person or a bad Christian, as some would like to spin it. I have come to this realization recently.

Now, I've always liked John McCain. He is more moderate than most Republicans and I think he stands a good chance to win in November. People say, 'McCain needs to sure up his conservative base' and things like that. I disagree. He's already got the nomination. No need to pander to the far right wing any longer. Bush recently came out and backed McCain. I think, so long as he keeps himself separated from GWB, he's going to clean up with moderates. McCain should adopt the Arnold strategy. Assume the base, go after the undecided. McCain should have great appeal to the average person, the moderate who doesn't like the partisan bickering you usually see. He will draw heavily from independents and undecided voters. I think he will compete very well in California as he does very well with Hispanics.

Right now I'm torn. I like McCain, but I sort of fear he is too much of the same. I'm not so sure we're heading in the right direction with Iraq. McCain will keep us there. This is the Ron Paul in me. While I disagree with much of what he says, part of me thinks that Obama would be better for us right now. I don't know :P Because of this, I am torn. I absolutely do not want to see Hilary Clinton in the White House. I think, though, that McCain would have a much better chance against her in a general election. She is way too divisive and i think a lot of people would vote against her just because of her last name. On the other hand, if McCain wasn't elected, I would prefer Obama over Clinton. For that reason, I wouldn't mind seeing an Obama ticket in the fall. Would be a close election I think. Obama would compete well in the South, particularly.

Anyway, I had better put an end to my long diatribe on politics for now. I need to go research more about LOST :D


how could I possibly have forgotten this Friday, December 14, 2007 |

Along with Jacob and Ted (two people near and dear to me), I recently took a trip to the Wal-Mart Portrait Studio. Our objective was clear: to create the most ridiculous Christmas card 'family portraits' possible.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that were successful. Notice the amazing Goodwill sweaters.

Yay Christmas!


real life Thursday, December 13, 2007 |

Real life.

It's coming.

So this morning I did my last presentation for my last class for my last semester of college. I'm sitting here without the slightest idea of what I'm supposed to do next. I've got some fun things going on in the next few days and I fully plan on enjoying them. Chances are getting fewer and fewer to spend time with some of the people in my life.

If you're not looking for absolutely ridiculous Christmas-themed horror movies, you should probably steer clear of me Friday evening. Bring on the 'awesome'.

Saturday night is an attempt at a concept that I'm quite proud of. What do you do when you have a group of 8-10 co-ed friends who are single and have known each other for 3-4 years? You plan a big date night and force romantic interactions :)

Nashville here we come.

Also on the menu, bowling for the RadioShack Christmas party on Sunday.

These days I like:
- repairing broken friendships
- The Police
- successfully unlocking a broken car door
- Sigur Ros
- my circumstances
- late afternoon naps
- No Country For Old Men

heroes finale Wednesday, December 5, 2007 |

Who got owned on the Heroes finale this past Monday?


update time Thursday, November 29, 2007 |

It has, indeed, been a little bit since I wrote last. Not a whole lot going on right now, so I haven't had much to write about.

Got to spend Thanksgiving with my family, which was nice. For me, Thanksgiving has two main highlights:

1. My grandma's stuffing

2. The family roll fight.

What started many years ago (before my conception, actually) as the innocent throwing of one roll in the house has evolved into the yearly tradition of the combined Hudson-Russelburg family. After the wonderful meal at my mother's house, we all make our way to the backyard. As we pass through the garage to the battlefield, everyone is handed a bag full of rolls that have been pre-cooked, just enough to keep them from being gooey and dough-like.

At the word 'Go', everyone begins to pelt one another with these baked projectiles. Simple enough concept. Turns out, its really a lot of fun and often ends in one of the younger ones crying. Who would have thought rolls hurt as much as they do when it so cold out. Joe and Carly joined my family for the extravaganza.

As I mentioned, the next stop for Thanksgiving was my grandmother's, where I had more stuffing than I ever should have considered necessary. The main objective post-meal there is to find your spot on the limited couch space and sleep for the next 3 hours, which I gladly did.

Owensboro is apparently where its at. Thanksgiving night, April was generous enough to host a 'bonfire' of sorts for a few of us in Owensboro. We did the s'mores thing and then watched Elf, making the pre-Christmas season official. Have a few pictures, courtesy of April and Amy:

Of course, you can't have Thanksgiving without the day-after-Thanksgiving. Black Friday...or as RadioShack likes to call it - Hot Friday. Whatever you want to call it, for me it means getting up early. Unfortunately, because of poor planning, Joe and myself were stuck in Owensboro until about 3:30 am, a mere 2 hours before I had to be at RadioShack to open. We got a few hours of sleep and then made the trip back.

Overall, this Black Friday wasn't as bad as previous years. I lucked out and only had to work until 3:30 pm, while a few others had to work double shifts. :)

That's all I got. A few big things coming up in the next few weeks I can hopefully write a bit about.

<3 Scott

PS: So what if I'm avoiding figuring out what I want to do with my 'real life' that will start soon enough :P

finally! Tuesday, November 13, 2007 |

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here's proof that I was, indeed, a 10k participant. Thanks Laura!

Survey says? Sunday, November 11, 2007 |

Alright, time to do one of these things. Bam, here we go...

Name: Scott Brian Walters II
Sex: Male
Birth date: 08.03.1985
Location: Live in Bowling Green, KY - Born in Owensboro, KY.
Height: 5'11"
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
What does your name mean: Named after my dad, so I guess I'm him...part two?
High school graduation year: 2003
Favorite relatives: Brother Michael, crazy cousin Zane.
Summer memory: Illegal double blobbing at Camp
Favorite TV shows: Office, Heroes, 24, Lost
What's on your mousepad: Laptop, no mousepad :)
In the car- ac or windows: Windows all the way
Do you believe in yourself: Corny...depends on what we're talking about.
Favorite game: Does Fantasy Football count?
Favorite drink: Iced Green Tea
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite colors: Blue
Favorite cigarettes: Eww, gross
Favorite sounds: NOT an alarm clock.
Favorite smell: Fresh bread
Worst feeling in the World: feeling useless
Best feeling in the World: feeling needed
Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Road trips to Chicago
Favorite soundtrack: Pirates!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hopefully in Sales with an awesome family.
First thought in the morning: Am I late?
Do you get motion sickness: Nope :D
Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: exciting
How many rings before you answer the phone: 2
Future son names: Scott III (maybe not)
Future daughter names: Brooke, April
Are you a good friend: I try to be
Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Chocolate with Vanilla Icing
What do you drive: 1995 Jeep Cherokee
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Not usually
Thunderstorms cool or scary: Super fantastically cool
If you could meet one person in the World, who would it be: Bono, haha
What is your zodiac sign: Leo
What do you wear to bed: That's private ;)
Do you eat stems of broccoli: no way
Guys- If a girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back, would you
give it to her?
Girls- Would you ever ask a guy for his shirt?
If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it
Drug Rep
If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I'd shave it, not dye it.
If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: shoulder - something cool in hebrew maybe
Favorite brand of gum: Orbitz
What is your favorite quote: "The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us."
- Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy
Have you ever been in love: Yes and No
What's on your walls in your room: Banner from the camp I worked at
Is the glass half-empty or half-full: half-full
Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to: Dustin Kensrue - Please Come Home
Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: Nacho Cheese
Favorite flavor Snapple: White Tea
Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Coke ftw
Which kind of milk is your favorite: Skim
If you were to kill someone, which method would you use? Kill them with kindness :)
Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: yes
When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Hair, then eyes
If you could be one gardening tool, which one would it be: Rake
What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Sandals!
What's under your bed: Nothing, I just cleaned!
What's the best number in the World: 5
What is your dream car: Right now its a 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
Who is your biggest crush right now: I can't say that.
Nickname: Scotty, Scotty Don't, The RAGE, Papa Bear
School: Western Kentucky University
Bacon Bits Or croutons: Neither...bacon bits
Favorite Salad Dressing: Gross
What type of Shampoo/Conditioner: Suave strawberry!
Have you ever been skinny dipping: Yes
Do you make fun of people: Lovingly
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Speeding tickets count?
Best friends online/offline: Couldn't possibly pick favorites!
One pillow or two: One
Pets: 3 Dogs at home, one day I want a Golden Doodle! No shedding, super smart.
Favorite Movies: Transformers and Wes Anderson films
Favorite type of music: Indie/Folk usually. Love me some good Rap, Rock, Boy Band Pop and other types of great music. Anything catch really.
Hobbies: Work, music, friends
Word or Phrase you overuse: Fantastic
Toothpaste: Crest
Piercing or tattoos: Nope
Do you get along with your parents: Sure
Favorite beer: Don't have one
Favorite song at the moment: Andy Davis - Fine China
Favorite subject in school: Advanced Personal Selling
Least favorite subject in school: Marketing Research
Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Michael, my brother
Favorite Holiday: tie with Halloween and Birthdays

Alright. I DO want responses. People, fill this thing out for me. Let me know there is life out there.

the rage Saturday, November 10, 2007 |

Dave Bazan on Monday. Possible Andy Davis on Friday. <3 Exit/In. This should be good. On to the meat and potatoes...

A few weeks ago, Michael, Jake and I were entering my house to watch The Office, which I had taped. Lights were out and the three of us all had some delicious ice cream in our hands. To set the stage, the light switch in the living room doesn't work. We pull the cord on the overhead fan/light to turn it on and off. Anyway, I continue...

So Jake is on my right, the non-working light switch on our left. He proceeds to reach across my body to flip the light switch, knocking my plate out of my left hand and the ice cream to the floor. This is the point where I leave my normal, relaxed countenance behind and enter the irrational.

Me: "Oh my God, Jake! There's no freaking light switch there, it doesn't work! Ugghgh! You knocked it out of my hands trying to reach over me, what the heck!"

Jake and Michael: "It's okay, Scotty, we can get some more"

This is the part of the outburst where I walk into the kitchen and throw my keys up against the wall and on to the counter. This is also the part where I realize that I'm being COMPLETELY irrational.

So we sit down on the couch and watch The Office, but no one really says anything. Eventually, Michael offers me a bite of his ice cream. At this point, we acknowledge what just took place. I apologized, we laughed, etc. However, I've been reminded of these events about two dozen times. Pretty much daily.

Just felt like telling everyone how I 'earned' my nickname The Rage :P

Apparently the facial expressions I was making were similar to this picture of my 'Gears face' for the rare occasions I play Xbox with him.

Papa Bear Sunday, November 4, 2007 |

Apparently, that is now my poker name.

Papa Bear.

I know, it doesn't seem to fit me, but Michael gave it to me at 2 AM Saturday, so it will stick, I suppose. That's what I get when I jokingly refer to the small blind as the 'Baby Blind' and bring on the Goldilocks references.

I am not very good at Poker, so it seems. Turns out, I don't really ever try to bluff and when I do, its pretty obvious since I have a giant, ridiculous smile on my face the whole time. I hope no one that I will ever play against reads this revealing nugget of information.

Took Friday night to go to Owensboro to visit the family a little bit. First time in a long time that I had seen anyone, especially without having a particular occasion for it. It was actually kinda nice. Got a chance to sit around and watch Flight of the Conchords with Michael and my dad. Went through some old clothes from high school (wow, I was a dork...a dork who wore REALLY big clothes) and salvaged a little bit. Found my old church league softball jersey. Keeper! Yay for tiny thermal shirts as well.

While we're talking about manly things that I'm not the best at, like poker...I had my chance to play Halo 3 at my mom's. Let's just say the world of online Halo gaming isn't missing out on much due to the fact that I don't play. It was kinda fun...I guess...but Halo would definitely not be my video game of choice if I was wanting to pass hours and hours and hours of time per day, like many. I miss Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog mostly. I'm not talking these fancy new 3D Mario/Sonic games. I'm talking NES Super Mario Bros. that comes bundled with Duck Hunt (another fantastic game). I am still quite proud of my 9:38 time for beating Mario--I should probably put it on resumes and mention it at job interviews.

Speeeeeeaking of which...

I need some direction on what exactly the plan is for the spring. As some of you may know, I've talked about going to Australia. This is still an option, but one that I can't always picture as something I would actually go through with.

I am somewhat considering graduate school as well. MBA? Masters in Marketing? Stay at Western? UK? Australia? Just a few questions there...

Then there is the workforce. After 4.5 years of college, I could just get a job. Would be nice to make more than $8-9 an hour. Would also be kinda nice to not work at the mall. I don't know though. Somehow I think that whole real job thing is overrated. We'll see I suppose!

Until next time, I leave you the fruits of my fondness for ProjectPlaylist, including a guilty pleasure song :) I'll let you guess which one that is.

Listen to this... Monday, October 29, 2007 |

Alright kids, I've got some music for you. None of it is new but its what I've been listening to lately: DC's cover of Jamie by Weezer, Billy Joel, Andy Davis, the lovely Elliot Smith and some Sigur Ros. Enjoy and happy early Halloween :)

i could probably handle it if... Sunday, October 28, 2007 |

someone bought me these things:

- Canon Digital Rebel XT
- Jeep Wrangler 4x4 Rubicon
- AT&T Tilt
- 1 Plane Ticket to Australia
- Shipping for above-mentioned Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Rubicon
- Sharp 52" LCD

Actually, at this point, as I write this in the wee hours, I'd trade most of that if I just knew what I'm supposed to do after graduation.

Catching up! |

A few things I have forgotten to mention have rushed to the forefront of my mind tonight as I got the urge to write.

A few weeks ago, I got a chance to run in the Medical Center 10k Classic here in Bowling Green. After running in a 5k earlier in the semester, I set my sights on the 10k, which is actually a big deal here in BG. The night before, I got to go to a free spaghetti dinner. Anyone who knows me knows that despite cooking and serving it for like five years at Fazoli's, I LOVE PASTA. Free pasta makes it even better. At this dinner deal, there was a Health Expo. At said expo, I got my blood pressure taken, my body fat analized (yay, I'm not obsese anymore) and I got a free long sleeve t-shirt that proudly announces I at least signed up for a race. They even had people giving free massages, which was pretty cool. All in all, some cool perks just for a race.

The next morning, I make it to the race early to watch a handful of people run in the 5k. One of them even came in like 12th overall, which was pretty cool. There are literally thousands of people at this whole event. After congratulating them, Jacob and I moved over to the start line, music in-hand, ready to go. I ambitiously got in line with the people hoping for 7 min mile times. Bam. Gun has gone off, I actually have to run now. Not just run, run for like 6.2 miles. In front of people. People that run a lot.

Well, it wasn't easy, but I finished with a time of 51:56, I was happy with. I was pretty excited at the end of the race when I got a chance to make a kick and pass some people right there at the finish line. Now my biggest challenge is to find a way to keep even moderately interested in running when it is cold. Since the race, I have only run 2-3 times, which makes me sad. It has been quite rainy as of late, so that's one good excuse for it. Anyway, someone please harass me to keep running. k, thanks.

Halloween time now. I am definitely a big practitioner of the last minute Halloween idea. Usually, they don't work out too well. This year was no exception. There was a little shindig tonight that I was attending with a costume. I thought I was being mildly creative, and I sorta was. Only thing is, I picked a somewhat obscure movie reference for my costume choice. Turns out, fewer people have seen The Royal Tenenbaums than I thought. That doesn't really help when you want someone to recognize your costume and especially recognize its creativity.

So, I was going for washed up former tennis pro Richie Tenenbaum, post-suicide attempt, of course. I personally can't pull off the aviators all too well, but I did my best. I will try to update with a pic of my version at some point.

Well, that's all I've got for ya for tonight.


Lexington Adventure: Part Two Saturday, October 20, 2007 |


Kentucky lost.

My tire on my Jeep exploded when I was pulling out of my parking space.

Definitely not the best day, but I guess it has still been fun. Cooked out, threw the football. I'm kicking myself for not having my camera at all on this trip. I'm stuck here in Lexington overnight tonight. I had been considering going to Owensboro tonight instead of staying, but I'm not going to be able to get my Jeep worked on until tomorrow. I could really use a new vehicle, but I don't really see that happening. Buy a bike, perhaps?

I need some funny things to happen to write about.

Lexington Adventure: Part One Friday, October 19, 2007 |

2:30 Am, sitting in Tyler and Nate's house.

Things I have learned today:

- I am not quite as good at navigating as I would like to think I am.

- No one will deliver pizza at 2:30 AM :(

- My Jeep may be on its last leg.

- There is a possibility said Jeep won't make it back to Bowling Green :/

- Old people NEVER buy anything but batteries.

Of course, I don't figure in the time difference for the trip. I meet the guy that I'm buying my ticket from an hour later than I had planned on. Tomorrow is game day. ESPN is in Lexington on Saturday for the first time ever, which is pretty exciting.

Last week, after the LSU game, there was apparently a lot of craziness. People sat couches on fire (wtf?) and other good crazy stuff. If UK beats Florida, I'm sure we'll see some similar hijinks.

That's all for now. We're off to Taco Bell instead.

<3 Scott

tired of (insert current life situation here) Tuesday, October 16, 2007 |

^^That guy is tired. That's me sitting around trying to finish up the ridiculous amount of stuff I have to do. Just finished my Sales Report for Advanced Personal Selling. I managed to scrape that six page bad boy together in about 90 minutes, one of my personal best. In a tribute to my procrastinatory skills, I had yet to decide what product I was going to sell until the morning the project was due. I opted to push my AT&T 8525 to businesses needing email-friendly equipment. Got that down. I really need to work on that whole putting things off deal.

Speaking of AT&T, holy crap, I'm not exactly thrilled with them as of late. Usually, I am the first one to promote them as a company, since I sell their stuff at work and generally 'like' them for some reason. However, they're testing my faith and loyalty a bit.

A month ago, I got a call from my Mom at work. She had gone online to pay our phone bill and saw a charge of over $500 had been added to the bill with no warning or explanation. Obviously, my mother wasn't happy and since I am familiar with their systems, I'm the one who is handling all of the issues.

Well, we've managed to sort of track down what happened. Back in April, I bought my current phone on eBay. No trouble with the transaction, etc. Well, apparently, the following events transpired:

Evil Man: I'm going to buy a phone from AT&T. Time to use the credit card.

AT&T: Okay dude, here ya go. $500+ for this phone. Have fun.

Evil Man: Eh, let's put this sucker on eBay.

Me: Sweet phone, I'll take it.

Evil Man: Rockin'. Now that I've gotten my cash for this phone, I'll tell my credit card company that it was purchased fraudulently so they'll credit me back.

Credit Card: Sure mate, we believe you. Here's your money back, let's charge AT&T back for this thing.

AT&T: Whoa, bro, not cool. Let's see who has that phone now...er...looks like Scott Walters has it. BAM. There we go. Now its YOUR problem.

Mom: WTF?

You get the picture. So basically, if we don't get it taken care of, I'll be paying for the phone TWICE! I've had to print out all of my transaction info for AT&T and I have to go file a Police Report (I mean seriously, a police report?) for them this afternoon. This is killing me. AT&T is telling me that techinically, this isn't their problem and that the fraud was committed between me and the ebay guy, but they'll see what they can do.

On other fronts, it has been business as usual. I feel like I am in a really awkward life stage right now. Stuck between a very defined college/relationship stage and a very unknown, yet seemingly more defined stage than I'm in right now. I long for something that seems more real. Even if it isn't something that can last forever, I want something that right now is good.

Have a pleasant day/night, whenever this finds you.

after a wee bit of a break... Wednesday, October 10, 2007 |

I have decided to write here again, haha.

Nothing too huge has been going on as of late. I've been traveling a little bit to see a few shows. First was Iron & Wine in Chicago. Enjoyed the concert almost as much as the trip itself, which was utterly insane. Old Style in Wrigleyville, a one-footed pigeon and the best pickup line ever were some of the highlights.

Last week, unfortunately, I had to work at the RadioShack in the great town of Glasgow, Ky. Let me tell you, it was something else. I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of many mullets, not very many teeth, a few tractors and heaps of Earnhardt gear.

OH! I did manage to make a fool of myself to a customer. A little background going into my comment...

My brother, Michael, works at Home Depot. As you surely know, Tony Stewart drives the #20 Home Depot car for NASCAR and they take it pretty seriously as a company at Home Depot (Note: I don't really care at all about NASCAR, I just find this amusing.) Michael recalled for me a few occasions where he would suggest that a customer look at Lowe's for a product. Ridiculously, their response was:

"Lowe's?!? I just couldn't do that to Tony!" usually followed by "I hate that Jimmie Johnson!" (On a side note: Johnson is the Lowe's-sponsored driver)

I think it is hilarious how devoted NASCAR fans are to their drivers and particularly to the sponsors. As a resident of Kentucky, I have a certain amount of disgust for how much I see the stereotype fed each day. As a marketing major, however, I can appreciate the absolutely amazing job that NASCAR has done. They're able to turn the fans of the 'sport' into loyal armies of customers for their sponsors. I mean seriously, the big debate of Earnhardt Jr.'s new number when he switches teams next year revolved around the large population of NASCAR fans sporting #8 tattoos! Shenanigans, I say.

Anyway, I made a few false assumptions at the register. For one, I assumed that the Lowe's employee I was ringing up had encountered similar situations at her place of employment. I also assumed that others were as amused by this as I was.

I proceeded to give her the background, much like I have provided above, and ask if she ever gets people that are as loyal to Jimmie. I got a rather strange look and a quick, 'No.'


just tinkering Wednesday, September 26, 2007 |

I wanted to see if this would work here. I may try to incorporate it into my layout at some point if I can find a non-offensive way to do so:

lots of thoughts, only few words |

When I graduate in December, what will I have to show for the last few years of my life? Sometimes I wonder if I would do things differently. The last year seems so incredibly different from the first three, for obvious reasons. Maybe, at some point, I will come to grips with how much the things in my past actually do affect the way I live and think. Anyway, lots of thoughts, but they've translated into very few words for some reason. Maybe that's because its 2:00 am.

Listen to some music with me, dear children:

Iron & Wine - Sea and the Rhythm
Derek Webb - Wedding Dress
Kanye West - Stronger
Sufjan Stevens - Size Too Small

Earnhardt Hunt 2007 Thursday, September 20, 2007 |

This is a little late, but absolutely had to be chronicled.

A week or two ago, I went to Holiday World with the family for my step-dad's company picnic. Kimble (the company) apparently rented the whole park out for our enjoyment. Tons of people, considering it was just one company.

Anyway, while the rides and the water park and the free food were all fantastic, the best part of day had to be the game Michael and I came up with to keep ourselves occupied. I noticed that a large portion of the population was wearing some sort of Earnhardt gear. Some were supporting Junior with their #8 attire. Others were obviously honoring the legacy of the Intimidator with their #3 gear (rest in peace). We decided to keep count of how many we saw, much like with our mullet hunts over the years.

I pulled out my camera and talked my brothers into going to pose with these various heroes.
This gem was the first picture taken. Notice the amazing Earnhardt Jr. jersey with signature #8 on the back. Perfect.

I was really surprised by how close we could get to some of these people without them noticing. Easton was pretty excited about getting in there with this guy in the picture on the right.
This center one was a little bit further away so you have too look really close. Then gentleman with the yellow sleeveless shirt was proudly wearing an Earnhardt Sr. hat.

Overall it was a success. We managed to spot around 20 or so combined sightings for #3 and #8.

While Michael and I were eating some absolutely fantastic ice cream though, my mom came through in a pinch. She was quick to pull out her camera and snag a shot of yet another good supporter.

Thanks Mom.

busy night and bit tongues Wednesday, September 19, 2007 |

Short and sweet for now. Sorry loyal fan base.

So if ever any doubt existed as to a few key things, I've been solidified today:

1. I am a procrastinator.

Heaps of Strategic Management [sarcasm](interesting stuff, let me tell you)[/sarcasm] due tomorrow afternoon. Three solid, whole, healthy hours between work and my research group meeting and what do I do? Oh, just about the best thing in the world...take a nap.

Also keep in mind that I am currently writing this while I should be doing said Management work.

2. I am ready to be finished with school.

See above.

3. I am lazy.

Throughout the course of the day, I strongly considered not going to my research group, not going running and even not starting on my homework until later. All because I didn't really 'feel like it.' Bleh.

I also bit my tongue twice tonight while chewing some gum. Hurts quite a bit. Yeah, I'm a baby, so what :) Who's got two thumbs and is a lost cause? This guy. (High five to anyone that gets that reference.)

Powers Sunday, September 16, 2007 |

As I watched my Chiefs lose in a bittersweet ending to an otherwise fantastic football weekend, I saw a commercial announcing that the show Heroes would be returning in a week or so.

During the show's initial run of season one, I balked at the idea of watching it--it was on during a time slot very firmly held by 24, my original television love. My first thought was blatant X-Men ripoff. Well, I finally ended up watching the first season in 2-3 sittings when Drew bought the DVD. It was actually quite enjoyable and managed to stay interesting up until the last episode.

Anyway, seeing the commercial took me back to one of my daydreams I had while watching the show. Every little kid has pondered this question a million times, often with varying results.

What superhero power do you wish you had?

What a great question. It is fun to think about, for one thing, but also really interesting to consider why we would choose a certain super power.

The obvious super power to choose from Heroes would be that of Peter Petrelli. His powers allow him to take on the powers of any other 'hero' he comes in contact with. He's a walking sponge of awesomeness, pretty much. It's like asking the genie who gives you three wishes to give you more wishes. Can't blame me here.

After that one, the decision becomes a bit more difficult.

You have Matt Parkman with the interesting ability to read minds. That would be extremely convenient in a number of selfish ways. You could always know what people think about you, you could always be prepared and have the right thing to say. Think Mel Gibson in What Women Want, haha. You would probably be the world's best poker player. Could be a great police interrogator (like Parkman's character on the show) or as a football coach, you could always know what play the other team would call (although Bill Belichick didn't need superpowers to manage this one.) You could do a lot of good with this one, but most of the examples I gave show how mind reading would really just be cheating at life :D

Another interesting ability I could take on would be that of young Claire. Her rapid cell regeneration, or super-fast-ridiculous-healing for the uninformed, would offer some potentially interesting adventures. On top of not really ever getting sick and a nice lack of the bad parts of aging, I could begin a career as the world's greatest stuntman.

I'm not trying to advertise the show or anything. I like it and all, but it's far from something I'm fanatical about. I just think it is interesting that we so often wish we had the ability to be more than what we are. We're not content with being the person that we were made to be, so we fantasize about fiction. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with getting wrapped up in a good story. Sometimes, though, handling awkward situations with ease can be a good enough super power. Or having enough courage to be vulnerable.

Have a good day/night, whenever this finds you.

Oh! Almost forgot... Tuesday, September 4, 2007 |

You can click on the little 'Pull Me' deal on the right side of the screen. Neat stuff.

Also, please feel free to comment on my posts or whatever. Even if its just to say hi. I'm not sure who all does the blog thing so I would love to link to you or at least read when I get the chance. Thanks :D

Getting into a rhythm |

I think I'm finally getting into a rhythm this semester. In the past 48 hours, I have accomplished many things great and small...well...not sure how great, but we'll see.

Yesterday at 7:30 am, I participated in a 5k race at Covington Woods Park. No, I didn't stutter. I did, in fact, say a 5k race. As out of character as it may seem, I have taken up running fairly consistently in the past 2-3 months. 5k = 3.1 miles, which is a little less than the Morgantown Rd/WKU loop that Jacob and I have been running.

While I finished 87th with a time of 24:57 (breaking 25 mins was my goal), which was well behind the winning time of 17ish mins, I was a champ when it came to door prizes.

If you take a look at the picture, you'll notice two things. One, I'm kissing a medal (oh, the sweet triumph!) that belongs to Adam Jochim. Adam finished 2nd in our age group, but left before the awards so I took the photo op before returning it to him. The second thing you may notice is that I'm holding a red bag. That would be the 'Daily News' folding chair that I received as my door prize. That, combined with a cool t-shirt (actually, it was pretty ugly) made for a good start to the morning.

Monday evening, I got my schedule worked out for work that was mixed up from adding my Entrepreneurship class. Productivity 2, laziness 0. Met with my Market Research group and go figure, I'm the one there that's actually organized.

Enter Tuesday morning. Up for 8:20 class, take all my notes, pay attention, come home and actually finish my homework before doing anything else (scary, i know). You would think I had been doing this college thing for like 4 years or something...crazy!

Fixed up the blog a bit in time for this, the second official post (I attempted a mobile post from the County Clerk's office on Aug 31, but since that is a tale of procrastination, not triumph, I will not resurrect it.) Added a nifty little template and focused some of it around a new/old quote I have taken a liking to:

"The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us."
- Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy

I've been rereading Tozer a bit and I was drinking some coffee and reading through one of the later chapters. I had to run and borrow a pen from a worker to mark it down because I didn't want to forget where I had found it. I love how it points out that God wants to be friends with us. I immediately felt like a little kid meeting the new little neighbor kid when I read it. It sounds so simple, almost too simple, but I think we overlook that so often when our sin causes us to see God as a bully. He wants to be our friend and our dad, which is pretty cool.


Edit: Some old music to rediscover: The Police - Message in a Bottle, Phil Collins - Against All Odds

First post Wednesday, August 29, 2007 |

As of late, I have been reminiscing of the handful of failed attempts at blogging (diaryland/xanga) in years past. Also, I finally got some batteries for my digital camera, so I hope to be snapping a few more pictures soon.

We shall see if I update this thing more than once or twice before forgetting about it.

we dwell under a friendly sky

" "The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us." - Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy "