Getting into a rhythm
I think I'm finally getting into a rhythm this semester. In the past 48 hours, I have accomplished many things great and small...well...not sure how great, but we'll see.
Yesterday at 7:30 am, I participated in a 5k race at Covington Woods Park. No, I didn't stutter. I did, in fact, say a 5k race. As out of character as it may seem, I have taken up running fairly consistently in the past 2-3 months. 5k = 3.1 miles, which is a little less than the Morgantown Rd/WKU loop that Jacob and I have been running.
While I finished 87th with a time of 24:57 (breaking 25 mins was my goal), which was well behind the winning time of 17ish mins, I was a champ when it came to door prizes.
If you take a look at the picture, you'll notice two things. One, I'm kissing a medal (oh, the sweet triumph!) that belongs to Adam Jochim. Adam finished 2nd in our age group, but left before the awards so I took the photo op before returning it to him. The second thing you may notice is that I'm holding a red bag. That would be the 'Daily News' folding chair that I received as my door prize. That, combined with a cool t-shirt (actually, it was pretty ugly) made for a good start to the morning.
Monday evening, I got my schedule worked out for work that was mixed up from adding my Entrepreneurship class. Productivity 2, laziness 0. Met with my Market Research group and go figure, I'm the one there that's actually organized.
Enter Tuesday morning. Up for 8:20 class, take all my notes, pay attention, come home and actually finish my homework before doing anything else (scary, i know). You would think I had been doing this college thing for like 4 years or something...crazy!
Fixed up the blog a bit in time for this, the second official post (I attempted a mobile post from the County Clerk's office on Aug 31, but since that is a tale of procrastination, not triumph, I will not resurrect it.) Added a nifty little template and focused some of it around a new/old quote I have taken a liking to:
"The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us."
- Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy
I've been rereading Tozer a bit and I was drinking some coffee and reading through one of the later chapters. I had to run and borrow a pen from a worker to mark it down because I didn't want to forget where I had found it. I love how it points out that God wants to be friends with us. I immediately felt like a little kid meeting the new little neighbor kid when I read it. It sounds so simple, almost too simple, but I think we overlook that so often when our sin causes us to see God as a bully. He wants to be our friend and our dad, which is pretty cool.
Edit: Some old music to rediscover: The Police - Message in a Bottle, Phil Collins - Against All Odds