tired of (insert current life situation here)
^^That guy is tired. That's me sitting around trying to finish up the ridiculous amount of stuff I have to do. Just finished my Sales Report for Advanced Personal Selling. I managed to scrape that six page bad boy together in about 90 minutes, one of my personal best. In a tribute to my procrastinatory skills, I had yet to decide what product I was going to sell until the morning the project was due. I opted to push my AT&T 8525 to businesses needing email-friendly equipment. Got that down. I really need to work on that whole putting things off deal.
Speaking of AT&T, holy crap, I'm not exactly thrilled with them as of late. Usually, I am the first one to promote them as a company, since I sell their stuff at work and generally 'like' them for some reason. However, they're testing my faith and loyalty a bit.
A month ago, I got a call from my Mom at work. She had gone online to pay our phone bill and saw a charge of over $500 had been added to the bill with no warning or explanation. Obviously, my mother wasn't happy and since I am familiar with their systems, I'm the one who is handling all of the issues.
Well, we've managed to sort of track down what happened. Back in April, I bought my current phone on eBay. No trouble with the transaction, etc. Well, apparently, the following events transpired:
Evil Man: I'm going to buy a phone from AT&T. Time to use the credit card.
AT&T: Okay dude, here ya go. $500+ for this phone. Have fun.
Evil Man: Eh, let's put this sucker on eBay.
Me: Sweet phone, I'll take it.
Evil Man: Rockin'. Now that I've gotten my cash for this phone, I'll tell my credit card company that it was purchased fraudulently so they'll credit me back.
Credit Card: Sure mate, we believe you. Here's your money back, let's charge AT&T back for this thing.
AT&T: Whoa, bro, not cool. Let's see who has that phone now...er...looks like Scott Walters has it. BAM. There we go. Now its YOUR problem.
Mom: WTF?
You get the picture. So basically, if we don't get it taken care of, I'll be paying for the phone TWICE! I've had to print out all of my transaction info for AT&T and I have to go file a Police Report (I mean seriously, a police report?) for them this afternoon. This is killing me. AT&T is telling me that techinically, this isn't their problem and that the fraud was committed between me and the ebay guy, but they'll see what they can do.
On other fronts, it has been business as usual. I feel like I am in a really awkward life stage right now. Stuck between a very defined college/relationship stage and a very unknown, yet seemingly more defined stage than I'm in right now. I long for something that seems more real. Even if it isn't something that can last forever, I want something that right now is good.
Have a pleasant day/night, whenever this finds you.