Nights like tonight are ones I wish I had done things differently. I wish I had been smart with my money in college. I wish I had either not wasted my time in a relationship that's gone or that I'd done enough to make it work. I wish I had actually tried in school and kept my grades up.
I don't really have much to complain about. Its weird because I like my job. I work for a company now that gives me more opportunity for upward mobility than any I've ever worked for. Its one of the largest companies in the world. I can go so many places with it, but for some reason what I really want now is to not be tied down at all. How silly is it for me to see that I'm almost 26 and feel like I've let the best part of my life pass me up? I'm so selfish, especially when there are people I know who would give anything to have some of the things I have or to have been spared from some of the terrors they've had.
I keep bringing up my wishes for travelling to people, and I know no one thinks I'm serious. I don't really bring it up in a way that makes it sound like I've made solid plans, but I'm really only a few days into this whole thing. Its kind of cool knowing that no one really looks at this, but that if I were to travel, people would be able to see it. Someone can look back at this post in May and see how it started to come together.
Labels: travel