Alright kids, I've got some music for you. None of it is new but its what I've been listening to lately: DC's cover of Jamie by Weezer, Billy Joel, Andy Davis, the lovely Elliot Smith and some Sigur Ros. Enjoy and happy early Halloween :)

someone bought me these things:
- Canon Digital Rebel XT
- Jeep Wrangler 4x4 Rubicon
- AT&T Tilt
- 1 Plane Ticket to Australia
- Shipping for above-mentioned Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Rubicon
- Sharp 52" LCD
Actually, at this point, as I write this in the wee hours, I'd trade most of that if I just knew what I'm supposed to do after graduation.
A few things I have forgotten to mention have rushed to the forefront of my mind tonight as I got the urge to write.
A few weeks ago, I got a chance to run in the Medical Center 10k Classic here in Bowling Green. After running in a 5k earlier in the semester, I set my sights on the 10k, which is actually a big deal here in BG. The night before, I got to go to a free spaghetti dinner. Anyone who knows me knows that despite cooking and serving it for like five years at Fazoli's, I LOVE PASTA. Free pasta makes it even better. At this dinner deal, there was a Health Expo. At said expo, I got my blood pressure taken, my body fat analized (yay, I'm not obsese anymore) and I got a free long sleeve t-shirt that proudly announces I at least signed up for a race. They even had people giving free massages, which was pretty cool. All in all, some cool perks just for a race.
The next morning, I make it to the race early to watch a handful of people run in the 5k. One of them even came in like 12th overall, which was pretty cool. There are literally thousands of people at this whole event. After congratulating them, Jacob and I moved over to the start line, music in-hand, ready to go. I ambitiously got in line with the people hoping for 7 min mile times. Bam. Gun has gone off, I actually have to run now. Not just run, run for like 6.2 miles. In front of people. People that run a lot.
Well, it wasn't easy, but I finished with a time of 51:56, I was happy with. I was pretty excited at the end of the race when I got a chance to make a kick and pass some people right there at the finish line. Now my biggest challenge is to find a way to keep even moderately interested in running when it is cold. Since the race, I have only run 2-3 times, which makes me sad. It has been quite rainy as of late, so that's one good excuse for it. Anyway, someone please harass me to keep running. k, thanks.
Halloween time now. I am definitely a big practitioner of the last minute Halloween idea. Usually, they don't work out too well. This year was no exception. There was a little shindig tonight that I was attending with a costume. I thought I was being mildly creative, and I sorta was. Only thing is, I picked a somewhat obscure movie reference for my costume choice. Turns out, fewer people have seen The Royal Tenenbaums than I thought. That doesn't really help when you want someone to recognize your costume and especially recognize its creativity.

So, I was going for washed up former tennis pro Richie Tenenbaum, post-suicide attempt, of course. I personally can't pull off the aviators all too well, but I did my best. I will try to update with a pic of my version at some point.
Well, that's all I've got for ya for tonight.
Kentucky lost.
My tire on my Jeep exploded when I was pulling out of my parking space.
Definitely not the best day, but I guess it has still been fun. Cooked out, threw the football. I'm kicking myself for not having my camera at all on this trip. I'm stuck here in Lexington overnight tonight. I had been considering going to Owensboro tonight instead of staying, but I'm not going to be able to get my Jeep worked on until tomorrow. I could really use a new vehicle, but I don't really see that happening. Buy a bike, perhaps?
I need some funny things to happen to write about.
2:30 Am, sitting in Tyler and Nate's house.
Things I have learned today:
- I am not quite as good at navigating as I would like to think I am.
- No one will deliver pizza at 2:30 AM :(
- My Jeep may be on its last leg.
- There is a possibility said Jeep won't make it back to Bowling Green :/
- Old people NEVER buy anything but batteries.
Of course, I don't figure in the time difference for the trip. I meet the guy that I'm buying my ticket from an hour later than I had planned on. Tomorrow is game day. ESPN is in Lexington on Saturday for the first time ever, which is pretty exciting.
Last week, after the LSU game, there was apparently a lot of craziness. People sat couches on fire (wtf?) and other good crazy stuff. If UK beats Florida, I'm sure we'll see some similar hijinks.
That's all for now. We're off to Taco Bell instead.
<3 Scott

^^That guy is tired. That's me sitting around trying to finish up the ridiculous amount of stuff I have to do. Just finished my Sales Report for Advanced Personal Selling. I managed to scrape that six page bad boy together in about 90 minutes, one of my personal best. In a tribute to my procrastinatory skills, I had yet to decide what product I was going to sell until the morning the project was due. I opted to push my AT&T 8525 to businesses needing email-friendly equipment. Got that down. I really need to work on that whole putting things off deal.
Speaking of AT&T, holy crap, I'm not exactly thrilled with them as of late. Usually, I am the first one to promote them as a company, since I sell their stuff at work and generally 'like' them for some reason. However, they're testing my faith and loyalty a bit.
A month ago, I got a call from my Mom at work. She had gone online to pay our phone bill and saw a charge of over $500 had been added to the bill with no warning or explanation. Obviously, my mother wasn't happy and since I am familiar with their systems, I'm the one who is handling all of the issues.
Well, we've managed to sort of track down what happened. Back in April, I bought my current phone on eBay. No trouble with the transaction, etc. Well, apparently, the following events transpired:
Evil Man: I'm going to buy a phone from AT&T. Time to use the credit card.
AT&T: Okay dude, here ya go. $500+ for this phone. Have fun.
Evil Man: Eh, let's put this sucker on eBay.
Me: Sweet phone, I'll take it.
Evil Man: Rockin'. Now that I've gotten my cash for this phone, I'll tell my credit card company that it was purchased fraudulently so they'll credit me back.
Credit Card: Sure mate, we believe you. Here's your money back, let's charge AT&T back for this thing.
AT&T: Whoa, bro, not cool. Let's see who has that phone like Scott Walters has it. BAM. There we go. Now its YOUR problem.
Mom: WTF?
You get the picture. So basically, if we don't get it taken care of, I'll be paying for the phone TWICE! I've had to print out all of my transaction info for AT&T and I have to go file a Police Report (I mean seriously, a police report?) for them this afternoon. This is killing me. AT&T is telling me that techinically, this isn't their problem and that the fraud was committed between me and the ebay guy, but they'll see what they can do.
On other fronts, it has been business as usual. I feel like I am in a really awkward life stage right now. Stuck between a very defined college/relationship stage and a very unknown, yet seemingly more defined stage than I'm in right now. I long for something that seems more real. Even if it isn't something that can last forever, I want something that right now is good.
Have a pleasant day/night, whenever this finds you.
I have decided to write here again, haha.
Nothing too huge has been going on as of late. I've been traveling a little bit to see a few shows. First was Iron & Wine in Chicago. Enjoyed the concert almost as much as the trip itself, which was utterly insane. Old Style in Wrigleyville, a one-footed pigeon and the best pickup line ever were some of the highlights.
Last week, unfortunately, I had to work at the RadioShack in the great town of Glasgow, Ky. Let me tell you, it was something else. I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of many mullets, not very many teeth, a few tractors and heaps of Earnhardt gear.
OH! I did manage to make a fool of myself to a customer. A little background going into my comment...
My brother, Michael, works at Home Depot. As you surely know, Tony Stewart drives the #20 Home Depot car for NASCAR and they take it pretty seriously as a company at Home Depot (Note: I don't really care at all about NASCAR, I just find this amusing.) Michael recalled for me a few occasions where he would suggest that a customer look at Lowe's for a product. Ridiculously, their response was:
"Lowe's?!? I just couldn't do that to Tony!" usually followed by "I hate that Jimmie Johnson!" (On a side note: Johnson is the Lowe's-sponsored driver)
I think it is hilarious how devoted NASCAR fans are to their drivers and particularly to the sponsors. As a resident of Kentucky, I have a certain amount of disgust for how much I see the stereotype fed each day. As a marketing major, however, I can appreciate the absolutely amazing job that NASCAR has done. They're able to turn the fans of the 'sport' into loyal armies of customers for their sponsors. I mean seriously, the big debate of Earnhardt Jr.'s new number when he switches teams next year revolved around the large population of NASCAR fans sporting #8 tattoos! Shenanigans, I say.
Anyway, I made a few false assumptions at the register. For one, I assumed that the Lowe's employee I was ringing up had encountered similar situations at her place of employment. I also assumed that others were as amused by this as I was.
I proceeded to give her the background, much like I have provided above, and ask if she ever gets people that are as loyal to Jimmie. I got a rather strange look and a quick, 'No.'