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About Me

If it weren't for sharp things and dirt I would be barefoot all the time. I have this thing where I cannot turn down something that is free, regardless of if I have use for it. I sometimes tend to make bad decisions. I like to act fake mad to mess with people but if I'm actually mad, I just get quiet. I look like I'm in high school, but I'll appreciate it when I'm 40, so I'm told. I love God but sometimes I'm an idiot and I want approval from other people, not Him. Did I mention that I tend to make bad decisions? :) I either watch a TV show every week or not at all. I am a sucker for containers. I cannot throw away boxes. I eat my steak medium or medium rare.

Links to stuff I like and to some other blogs

My Project Playlist
Pastor Jason Pettus
To Write Love On Her Arms
The Office
Jon Russelburg

update time Thursday, November 29, 2007 |

It has, indeed, been a little bit since I wrote last. Not a whole lot going on right now, so I haven't had much to write about.

Got to spend Thanksgiving with my family, which was nice. For me, Thanksgiving has two main highlights:

1. My grandma's stuffing

2. The family roll fight.

What started many years ago (before my conception, actually) as the innocent throwing of one roll in the house has evolved into the yearly tradition of the combined Hudson-Russelburg family. After the wonderful meal at my mother's house, we all make our way to the backyard. As we pass through the garage to the battlefield, everyone is handed a bag full of rolls that have been pre-cooked, just enough to keep them from being gooey and dough-like.

At the word 'Go', everyone begins to pelt one another with these baked projectiles. Simple enough concept. Turns out, its really a lot of fun and often ends in one of the younger ones crying. Who would have thought rolls hurt as much as they do when it so cold out. Joe and Carly joined my family for the extravaganza.

As I mentioned, the next stop for Thanksgiving was my grandmother's, where I had more stuffing than I ever should have considered necessary. The main objective post-meal there is to find your spot on the limited couch space and sleep for the next 3 hours, which I gladly did.

Owensboro is apparently where its at. Thanksgiving night, April was generous enough to host a 'bonfire' of sorts for a few of us in Owensboro. We did the s'mores thing and then watched Elf, making the pre-Christmas season official. Have a few pictures, courtesy of April and Amy:

Of course, you can't have Thanksgiving without the day-after-Thanksgiving. Black Friday...or as RadioShack likes to call it - Hot Friday. Whatever you want to call it, for me it means getting up early. Unfortunately, because of poor planning, Joe and myself were stuck in Owensboro until about 3:30 am, a mere 2 hours before I had to be at RadioShack to open. We got a few hours of sleep and then made the trip back.

Overall, this Black Friday wasn't as bad as previous years. I lucked out and only had to work until 3:30 pm, while a few others had to work double shifts. :)

That's all I got. A few big things coming up in the next few weeks I can hopefully write a bit about.

<3 Scott

PS: So what if I'm avoiding figuring out what I want to do with my 'real life' that will start soon enough :P

finally! Tuesday, November 13, 2007 |

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here's proof that I was, indeed, a 10k participant. Thanks Laura!

Survey says? Sunday, November 11, 2007 |

Alright, time to do one of these things. Bam, here we go...

Name: Scott Brian Walters II
Sex: Male
Birth date: 08.03.1985
Location: Live in Bowling Green, KY - Born in Owensboro, KY.
Height: 5'11"
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
What does your name mean: Named after my dad, so I guess I'm him...part two?
High school graduation year: 2003
Favorite relatives: Brother Michael, crazy cousin Zane.
Summer memory: Illegal double blobbing at Camp
Favorite TV shows: Office, Heroes, 24, Lost
What's on your mousepad: Laptop, no mousepad :)
In the car- ac or windows: Windows all the way
Do you believe in yourself: Corny...depends on what we're talking about.
Favorite game: Does Fantasy Football count?
Favorite drink: Iced Green Tea
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite colors: Blue
Favorite cigarettes: Eww, gross
Favorite sounds: NOT an alarm clock.
Favorite smell: Fresh bread
Worst feeling in the World: feeling useless
Best feeling in the World: feeling needed
Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Road trips to Chicago
Favorite soundtrack: Pirates!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hopefully in Sales with an awesome family.
First thought in the morning: Am I late?
Do you get motion sickness: Nope :D
Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: exciting
How many rings before you answer the phone: 2
Future son names: Scott III (maybe not)
Future daughter names: Brooke, April
Are you a good friend: I try to be
Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Chocolate with Vanilla Icing
What do you drive: 1995 Jeep Cherokee
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Not usually
Thunderstorms cool or scary: Super fantastically cool
If you could meet one person in the World, who would it be: Bono, haha
What is your zodiac sign: Leo
What do you wear to bed: That's private ;)
Do you eat stems of broccoli: no way
Guys- If a girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back, would you
give it to her?
Girls- Would you ever ask a guy for his shirt?
If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it
Drug Rep
If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I'd shave it, not dye it.
If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: shoulder - something cool in hebrew maybe
Favorite brand of gum: Orbitz
What is your favorite quote: "The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us."
- Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy
Have you ever been in love: Yes and No
What's on your walls in your room: Banner from the camp I worked at
Is the glass half-empty or half-full: half-full
Pick a song that describes yourself or that you can relate to: Dustin Kensrue - Please Come Home
Which do you prefer- Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: Nacho Cheese
Favorite flavor Snapple: White Tea
Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Coke ftw
Which kind of milk is your favorite: Skim
If you were to kill someone, which method would you use? Kill them with kindness :)
Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: yes
When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Hair, then eyes
If you could be one gardening tool, which one would it be: Rake
What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Sandals!
What's under your bed: Nothing, I just cleaned!
What's the best number in the World: 5
What is your dream car: Right now its a 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
Who is your biggest crush right now: I can't say that.
Nickname: Scotty, Scotty Don't, The RAGE, Papa Bear
School: Western Kentucky University
Bacon Bits Or croutons: Neither...bacon bits
Favorite Salad Dressing: Gross
What type of Shampoo/Conditioner: Suave strawberry!
Have you ever been skinny dipping: Yes
Do you make fun of people: Lovingly
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Speeding tickets count?
Best friends online/offline: Couldn't possibly pick favorites!
One pillow or two: One
Pets: 3 Dogs at home, one day I want a Golden Doodle! No shedding, super smart.
Favorite Movies: Transformers and Wes Anderson films
Favorite type of music: Indie/Folk usually. Love me some good Rap, Rock, Boy Band Pop and other types of great music. Anything catch really.
Hobbies: Work, music, friends
Word or Phrase you overuse: Fantastic
Toothpaste: Crest
Piercing or tattoos: Nope
Do you get along with your parents: Sure
Favorite beer: Don't have one
Favorite song at the moment: Andy Davis - Fine China
Favorite subject in school: Advanced Personal Selling
Least favorite subject in school: Marketing Research
Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Michael, my brother
Favorite Holiday: tie with Halloween and Birthdays

Alright. I DO want responses. People, fill this thing out for me. Let me know there is life out there.

the rage Saturday, November 10, 2007 |

Dave Bazan on Monday. Possible Andy Davis on Friday. <3 Exit/In. This should be good. On to the meat and potatoes...

A few weeks ago, Michael, Jake and I were entering my house to watch The Office, which I had taped. Lights were out and the three of us all had some delicious ice cream in our hands. To set the stage, the light switch in the living room doesn't work. We pull the cord on the overhead fan/light to turn it on and off. Anyway, I continue...

So Jake is on my right, the non-working light switch on our left. He proceeds to reach across my body to flip the light switch, knocking my plate out of my left hand and the ice cream to the floor. This is the point where I leave my normal, relaxed countenance behind and enter the irrational.

Me: "Oh my God, Jake! There's no freaking light switch there, it doesn't work! Ugghgh! You knocked it out of my hands trying to reach over me, what the heck!"

Jake and Michael: "It's okay, Scotty, we can get some more"

This is the part of the outburst where I walk into the kitchen and throw my keys up against the wall and on to the counter. This is also the part where I realize that I'm being COMPLETELY irrational.

So we sit down on the couch and watch The Office, but no one really says anything. Eventually, Michael offers me a bite of his ice cream. At this point, we acknowledge what just took place. I apologized, we laughed, etc. However, I've been reminded of these events about two dozen times. Pretty much daily.

Just felt like telling everyone how I 'earned' my nickname The Rage :P

Apparently the facial expressions I was making were similar to this picture of my 'Gears face' for the rare occasions I play Xbox with him.

Papa Bear Sunday, November 4, 2007 |

Apparently, that is now my poker name.

Papa Bear.

I know, it doesn't seem to fit me, but Michael gave it to me at 2 AM Saturday, so it will stick, I suppose. That's what I get when I jokingly refer to the small blind as the 'Baby Blind' and bring on the Goldilocks references.

I am not very good at Poker, so it seems. Turns out, I don't really ever try to bluff and when I do, its pretty obvious since I have a giant, ridiculous smile on my face the whole time. I hope no one that I will ever play against reads this revealing nugget of information.

Took Friday night to go to Owensboro to visit the family a little bit. First time in a long time that I had seen anyone, especially without having a particular occasion for it. It was actually kinda nice. Got a chance to sit around and watch Flight of the Conchords with Michael and my dad. Went through some old clothes from high school (wow, I was a dork...a dork who wore REALLY big clothes) and salvaged a little bit. Found my old church league softball jersey. Keeper! Yay for tiny thermal shirts as well.

While we're talking about manly things that I'm not the best at, like poker...I had my chance to play Halo 3 at my mom's. Let's just say the world of online Halo gaming isn't missing out on much due to the fact that I don't play. It was kinda fun...I guess...but Halo would definitely not be my video game of choice if I was wanting to pass hours and hours and hours of time per day, like many. I miss Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog mostly. I'm not talking these fancy new 3D Mario/Sonic games. I'm talking NES Super Mario Bros. that comes bundled with Duck Hunt (another fantastic game). I am still quite proud of my 9:38 time for beating Mario--I should probably put it on resumes and mention it at job interviews.

Speeeeeeaking of which...

I need some direction on what exactly the plan is for the spring. As some of you may know, I've talked about going to Australia. This is still an option, but one that I can't always picture as something I would actually go through with.

I am somewhat considering graduate school as well. MBA? Masters in Marketing? Stay at Western? UK? Australia? Just a few questions there...

Then there is the workforce. After 4.5 years of college, I could just get a job. Would be nice to make more than $8-9 an hour. Would also be kinda nice to not work at the mall. I don't know though. Somehow I think that whole real job thing is overrated. We'll see I suppose!

Until next time, I leave you the fruits of my fondness for ProjectPlaylist, including a guilty pleasure song :) I'll let you guess which one that is.